
学术研讨会|Mini-Symposium 神经系统的蛋白质组装与信号转导

发布时间:2021-09-22 浏览量:2364

应上海交通大学Bio-X研究院陆青教授邀请,复旦大学脑科学研究院唐逸泉教授、生命科学院冯喆教授共同进行主题为“神经系统的蛋白质组装与信号转导  ”的学术研讨会,邀请感兴趣的老师、同学参加。 

时间:9:30-10:30 唐逸泉教授
         10:30-11:30 冯喆教授
         11:30-12:00 研究生吴绍轩

唐逸泉 教授

北京大学神经生物学博士,先后为英国剑桥MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology 博士后和研究科学家。获得上海市高校特聘教授(东方学者)和上海市“海外高层次创新人才长期项目”。2021年1月起任现职。主要研究方向为机械力信号转导的分子细胞与神经机制。


Molecular Basis ofMechanotransduction in Mammalian Hearing and Worm’s Touch
Mechanotransduction channels have been proposed as force sensors in various physiological processes such as hearing and balance. In particular, TMC1 has been shown to constitute the pore of hair cell mechanotransduction channels, but little is known about how force is sensed by TMC channels. We have recently used the genetic tractability of C. elegans to reveal a novel molecular mechanism by which TMC channels respond to force. Our study indicates that ankyrin, which provides enough extensibility and elasticity to serve as a gating spring, acts as a long-sought intracellular tether that transmits force to TMC mechanotransduction channels via the evolutionarily conserved calcium and integrin-binding protein (CIB) in the sensory cilia of C. elegans mechanoreceptor, and possibly at the dense bodies of body wall muscles. In addition, we also establish CIB2 and CIB3 as essential components of the mechanotransduction machinery in mouse auditory and vestibular hair cells. Our research has led to important discoveries that have advanced our understanding of the molecular basis of hearing and balance.

冯喆 教授 

先后获英国帝国理工大学学士学位,英国牛津大学病理学博士学位(Prof. Jordan Raff实验组,硕博连读)。此后在同实验室从事博士后研究。2017年入职香港科技大学,担任研究助理教授(张明杰院士实验室组),获选港科大高研院青年学人荣誉,领导主持香港研究资助局优配研究金项目。2021年入选上海千人计划,人才引进复旦大学生命科学院。主要研究方向为中心体的组装与调控的分子机制,中心体功能障碍对于癌症、发育类等疾病的致病机理以及相分离介导的无膜细胞器组装和调控的功能机理。研究成果发表在Cell, Developmental Cell, Journal of Cell Biology等众多国际学术期刊。
