主讲人: 孙怡迪 研究员
邀请人:王卓 研究员
时间: 2024-12-04 (周三) 9:30AM
地点: 徐汇校区小白楼 201A会议室
孙怡迪,中国科学院脑智卓越中心研究员,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者 。主要开展多组学大数据整合及其在脑细胞图谱中的应用研究。在 Cell、 Science (3篇 )、Nature、Nature Methods、 Cancer Cell、 Science Translational Medicine、 Genome Biology (3篇 )和Nature Communications (3篇 )等国际学术期刊以第一 通讯作者 含共同发表论文30余篇,引用次数超过2900次。申请国际发明专利 3项,软件著作权 3项。相关研究成果先后入选了 “2019中国生命 科学十大进展 ”、 2023年度 “中国神经科学重大进展 ”和 2023年度中科院上海分院科技创新 “十大进展 ”。 获得国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金 、上海市启明星 A 类和上海市脑中心求索杰出青年等人才项目支持。 主持基金委 集成项目和科技部重点研发等项目 。
The brain comprises diverse cell types that are interconnected to form specific neural circuits underlying cognition and behavior. To systematically elucidate the cellular diversity and underlying regulatory mechanisms during primate evolution, we performed large-scale spatial transcriptome, single-nucleus RNA-seq and chromatin accessibility analysis of the primate brain. By developing deep learning models for integrating multi-omics data, we derived a comprehensive cell-type taxonomy and found their laminar and regional preferences as well as neighborhood complexity. Comparative analysis revealed glutamatergic and GABAergic neuron types in the cortex of primates with layer- and subregion-specific distribution and high expression of functionally important genes. Furthermore, our analysis revealed primate-specific CREs for genes related to neurodevelopment and psychiatric diseases. Taken together, these results provide spatial underpinning for molecular understanding of organizing principles of the primate brain.