报告题目:Animal Model of Schizophrenia: Prenatal Infections and Long-Term Consequences
报告人:Dr. JoramFeldon, D.Phil (Oxon), Professor of Biology and Psychology [Emeritus]
报告时间: 2013年11月4日(周一)下午14:00
报告地点:Bio-X研究院一楼会议室(生物药学楼1号楼 105会议室)
Disturbances directed at the maternal host during pregnancy can lead to direct physiological changes in the fetal environment and negatively affect the normal course of early brain development in the offspring. This can have long-lasting consequences for the development of postnatal brain dysfunctions, in which the primary cerebral insult or pathological process occurs during early brain development long before the illness is clinically expressed. One prominent example [but not the only one] of such neuropathological outcomes is schizophrenia: This disorder seems to be associated with aberrations in early neurodevelopmental processes caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors, which predispose the organism to long-lasting neuropathology and psychopathology. A large body of human epidemiological data shows that maternal infection during pregnancy is one of the relevant environmental factors increasing the risk of these of neurodevelopmental brain dysfunctions in the offspring. Even though the precise neuroimmunological mechanisms involved still need to be delineated, one prevalent hypothesis suggests that infection-induced disruption of fetal neurodevelopmental processes may predispose the organisms to long-lasting changes in subsequent brain and behavioral development, thereby facilitating the expression of postnatal brain dysfunctions relevant to schizophrenia. This hypothesis has been substantiated by numerous investigations in experimental rodent models demonstrating the emergence of altered fetal brain development and multiple long-term brain and behavioral abnormalities relevant to schizophrenia following prenatal exposure to infection and/or immune activation. These experimental models provide indispensable experimental tools to test the hypothesis of causality in human epidemiological associations, and to explore the critical neuroimmunological and developmental factors involved in shaping the vulnerability to infection-induced neurodevelopmental disturbances in humans. Experimental models of prenatal immune challenge also offer a unique opportunity to establish and evaluate early preventive interventions aiming to reduce the risk of long-lasting brain dysfunctions following prenatal exposure to infection. The present talk will highlight the advances in modeling the epidemiological link between prenatal immune challenge and neurodevelopmental brain dysfunctions and will discuss the relevance of experimental findings to the prenatal infectious etiologies of human mental illness.
Feldon教授于1949年3月10号(现年63岁)出生于以色列。1973年本科毕业于以色列海法大学心理学,1974年获特拉维夫大学心理学硕士学位,1977年获得英国牛津大学实验心理学博士学位。1978年在斯坦福大学精神病学和行为科学系进行博士后研究。随后1979年返回以色列特拉维夫大学获聘讲师,1985年获聘副教授,1993年升为正教授。1994年7月至2011年获聘瑞士联邦理工大学(苏黎世,ETHZ)教授,并担任行为神经生物学研究室主任,同时从1999年起一直兼任以色列特拉维夫大学Adams脑研究中心研究员。2011年兼任以色列Yezreel Valley 学院研发部副主任。2012年1月正式从瑞士联邦理工大学退休(请参见网页:http://www.behav.ethz.ch/people/feldon/index)。
Feldon教授已在国际专业期刊杂志发表论文和论著章节400余篇(详见简历)。如Molecular Psychiatry (IF 15.47),Progress in Neurobiology (IF 9.966),Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (IF 9.015),Biological Psychiatry (IF 8.674),Schizophrenia Bulletin, (IF 8.273),Journal of Neuroscience (IF 7.271) 等专业内著名期刊。参与指导超过60余位硕士研究生,30多位博士生和30多位博士后研究人员。主持或参与过近五十项以色列、瑞士等国家的国家科学基金,欧盟、大学研究所及制药公司的研发基金等。在Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Knowledge (Essential Science Indicators) 数据库中,截止到2012年5月1日,Feldon教授位列神经科学及行为学领域最多被引用的top 1% 的科学家(该领域科学家总数3857名)之中,在涵盖10年的时间跨度内(从2002年1月1日至2012年2月2日),Feldon教授在论著数量方面位居该领域3857名科学家中的第84位(共174篇),在论著被引用次数方面位居第106位(被引用总次数为4717)。
鉴于Feldon教授在行为神经生物学领域所作出的突出贡献,美国精神分裂症和抑郁症研究联合会(National Alliance of Research in Schizophrenia and Depression,NARSAD)于2009年授予Feldon教授杰出科学家奖。Feldon教授热衷于帮助发展中国家的科学事业,于2011年被秘鲁PeruanaCaytano Heredia大学和阿根廷的Juan AugustinMaza大学聘为客座教授并被阿根廷的Nacional de Cuyo大学授予名誉博士称号。Feldon教授曾在2008访问中国,参加大连“抗衰老和阿兹海默氏症”国际会议,并作了大会学术报告。
(另请参见其在荷兰Tilburg 大学学术报告: http://www.tilburguniversity.edu/research/social-and-behavioral-sciences/life-stress/speakers/feldon/)